Technical English -a Multilevel Class A2/B1/B2/C1

Looking for a personalized way to promote your language skills? The target group of this blended learning course of technical English is employees who have to deal effectively with the ever-increasing demands of English in the workplace, seeking to perform their jobs even more productively and efficiently. Blended learning or free-learning will offer you an innovative and exciting new approach to language learning. You will enjoy the benefits of an on-line tutor support combined with a face-to-face training, providing you with the opportunity for real communication practice with your tutor, while all the other sessions allow you to progress at your own pace. So this class is a proven and personalised way to promote language training, ideal for those who find it difficult to attend regular classes.

Dieser Kurs kann idealerweise auch von Teilnehmern belegt werden, die den Kurs English meets mathematics  im letzten Semester oder den Kurs Business-English Cyber Thursday  belegt haben, um die technischen Aspekte der Materie zu beleuchten oder als Supplementärkurs zu In-House-Fortbildungen genutzt werden.

Wo: VHS Roth
Wann: Bitte kontaktieren Sie die VHS oder die Dozentin
Kursdauer: ad lib
Link zur VHS Roth:
Schlagworte: VHS Roth, #Sprachen, #Technical English, # English meets mathematics, Freelearning, e-learning
Programmbereich: #Sprachen, #Englisch für den Beruf, #Technical English
Dozentin: Heike Roscher M.A.
Kursbereich:Volkshochschulen / Roth
(work in progress)